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Beats Antique playing the Bassnectar after-party at the Majestic on 4/13/12 (actually 4/14/12) in Madison, Wisconsin. The show was sold-out!
Zoe Jakes of Beats AntiqueFans at Beats AntiqueZoe Jakes of Beats AntiqueFans at Beats AntiqueBeats AntiqueFans at Beats AntiqueDavid Satori and Zoe Jakes of Beats AntiqueZoe Jakes of Beats AntiqueZoe Jakes of Beats AntiqueZoe Jakes of Beats AntiqueBeats AntiqueDavid SatoriFans at Beats AntiqueBeats AntiqueFans at Beats AntiqueFans at Beats AntiqueFans at Beats AntiqueBeats AntiqueFans at Beats AntiqueFans at Beats Antique